Here's a draft of the imc docs for new-imc-process. A new version is being prepared based on response so far. Everyone who has a stake in imc should try to read it, or at least the first part, 'Reasons for an IMC-SCOTLAND', and post response on imc scotland disscussion list see link at end to subscribe.
The Scotland Independent Media Center is a network of activists that are committed to using media and journalism as a tool for promoting egalitarian change. As a network, we will make all decisions through a consensus process and do our best at representing the diversity of our local communities. Though currently based in Edinburgh and Glasgow, the IMC-SCOTLAND will cover all related issues within Scotland that are not being given adequate coverage by any other media. The Scotland Independent Media Center will also work to network with existing independent media and publications that are committed to social and economic change throughout Scotland. The IMC-SCOTLAND will continually oppose hierarchy within its structure and the structure of the surrounding community. The Scotland Indymedia Center advocates and promotes media democracy through video showings, skill-share workshops and teach-ins, which are to be open for the benefit of all. Along with web publishing, we also produce print resources and videos to spread media democracy amongst those who may not have access to on-line resources. The Scotland Independent Media Center will actively oppose racism, homophobia, classism, sexism, and nationalism within our framework and within the framework of society. Since we are a regional media center, we will serve other parts of Scotland by allowing them to have as much autonomy as they wish, including full access to all features of the sites within their local category and moving man IMC-SCOTLAND meetings from city to city so one city does not centralize undue influence on IMC- SCOTLAND. This process has already admirably worked with the two IMC working- groups set up in Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland UK.
IMC-SCOTLAND is a regional IMC network, with a single web-site ( ) serving the whole country of Scotland and the many groupings of independent media activists in Scotland. This is a network that maximizes autonomy through decentralization.
Other IMC-SCOTLAND working-groups or liasons may and hopefully do form in other parts of Scotland. These working groups or liasons must abide by the IMC- SCOTLAND editorial\newswire policy and Principles of Unity\Mission Statement. If they do, they are an official IMC-SCOTLAND working group or liason. They will be subscribed to the listserv to which all meeting minutes and proposals will be sent and we will try to meet with all other groups, if they form, face-to-face biannually to discuss IMC- SCOTLAND. Announcements for this meeting will be sent out over the imc-scotland-discussion listserv. Proposals which effect the entire IMC should be approved over the internet with a one week wait for discussion. All other decisions should be made locally. Working groups and liasons have the ability to autonomously commuicate using the listservs, newswire policy, and editorial policy to help create front-page IMC features and regulate IMC-SCOTLAND.
The process for making changes/additions/deletions to featured content on the website is:
A request is presented at the weekly meetings detailing the requested changes. Anyone may request changes to the website. For the changes to be made a consensus must be reached by the IMC-SCOTLAND network if the change effects the whole website.
If a IMC-SCOTLAND network request receives two rejections it will not be acted upon, rejections must be sent to the imc-scotland-discussion list within one week of the initial proposal. One week after the initial consensus if two rejections have not been registered the website will be updated at its earliest convenience. The feature request originator may make further updates to the feature without further consensus.
Suggestions for helping the editorial process run smoothly:
An editorial request should be made at the meeting of the working group
or through the imc-scotland-discussion listserv. Always feel free to contact
the IMC-SCOTLAND network at
A consensus process will approve or reject the request. Make requests as specific as possible, i.e. include all wording, url's, etc. Having a specific, well-formed request will allow the website to be updated more quickly . In most cases, post it to the imc-scotland-discussion listserv first, then make the request. Write a short introductory paragraph summarizing the content of the posting. The introductory paragraph will appear on the front page with a link to the actual posting.
The Scotland Independent Media Center is a grassroots collective committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice. Through this work, we seek to promote diversity and unity in the progressive community throughout Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom, further the self-determination of people under-represented in the media, and to illuminate and analyze local and global issues that impact ecosystems, communities and individuals. We are dedicated to generating alternatives to the corporate media and to identifying and creating positive models for a sustainable and equitable society, particulary in Scotland since it is our local community.
In accordance with the Scotland IMC's overall mission, the online newswire is designed to empower individuals to become independent and civic journalists by providing a direct, unmoderated forum for presenting media, including text articles, audio and video recordings, and photographs, to the public via the internet.
IMC-Scotland has the following three maxims it would like to apply to news:
Indymedia Scotland encourages:
After stories have been published, they can be edited, linked or even deleted by the IMC-SCOTLAND network running this site. We like to link related stories, so that they appear grouped together on the summary pages. For instance, this can be used to display together:
sound bites from the same event; a picture with text about the same thing; a lower quality realaudio or quicktime file with a higher quality (but slower to transfer) MP3 audio clip for radio stations to re-broadcast; a video in realvideo or quicktime with a freeze frame picture; a group of stories about the same issues;
The newswire is an open-publishing resource, with no prior restraint on publication. The newswire is not intended for promotion of commercial enterprises, advertisements, religious diatribes, or as forum for sociopaths to abuse the community. To serve this end, the network is empowered to delete posts that are sexist, racist, homophobic, pornographic, fascist, defamatory or libelous of individuals, or repetitive (spam). The decisions to make newswires center-column features on the main page will also take place through a IMC-SCOTLAND network consensus process. The decision for making a city\region feature newswire a city\region center column Consensus must be taken through the entire IMC-SCOTLAND network through the imc- scotland-discussion listserv, with a one-week discussion time. All non-votes will be assumed to be approval. If contact information is provided for the publisher of a hidden post, the publisher will be contacted with the reason for the editorial action.